2024 Stewardship campaign
Are You Connected with Peace through Stewardship?
Thank you for contributing to the 2024 Stewardship Campaign! Your pledges are blessings and we are grateful for your generosity!
Dear Friends,
This year Peace has much to celebrate as we welcomed Pastor Sydne who has brought a new energy to our congregation! As we look forward to next year, she recently asked friends and members of Peace to complete a Time and Talent checklist of the multiple opportunities to serve and support the ongoing ministry of Jesus Christ. She is challenging us as individuals and as a community of faith to be the best version of ourselves! Amen!
Being good stewards of our time and talents we connect with one another, the greater community and God. Stewardship is part of Christian discipline where we share of ourselves through gifts and acts of service. We recognize God’s blessings and respond with a generous heart as each of us has one or more special talents we can and should share.
This congregation has repeatedly demonstrated its dedication and generosity. Your tithes and offerings show your connection and commitment to Peace and God’s mission in the world.
It is now time to plan for 2024 and 90% of the church budget is based on pledges. Next year’s pledge goal is $225,000 and pledges of all sizes are needed to support the vision and mission of Peace. Our collective giving not only pays the operational bills, it also supports local and global missions, nurtures our children and youth, and brings us together in meaningful worship and service to God.
The 2024 Stewardship Campaign will begin January 7, ending January 28 with Consecration Sunday to place your pledge in the offering plate during the worship service. I will share our connected generosity during a Moment of Gratitude February 2.
May the Holy Spirit lead and guide you in your faithful response.
In grace and gratitude,
Lisa Jones, Treasurer